Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The Rain Give Me Hard Time!

Liberians seriously hate rain so much. I don't understand because every year it is exactly the same and they still hate it and act like it has never rained in their country before. A lot of roofs are leaking and the water does really harm their homes and things, but didn't the same thing happen last year? And the year before that? And every year before that forever? Oh well.

This week had a wonderful event. We had a mission conference on Thursday where everyone in the mission came together with President and Sister Carlson for the last time. I'm just realizing that I forget to prepare the pictures so I'll have to send them next week sorry. The conference was very spiritual and very nice. We all got to hear some great contributions and talks and musical numbers that I hope I won't forget. It's sad to see them go, but I'm also really happy that they get to go home to their families and America. President Carlson told us that there are 3 missions in the world where the mission president only stays for 2 years instead of 3: Sierra Leone, Haiti, and Liberia. Why do they only serve for 2 years instead of 3? Well, you can probably come up with your own answer to that question. The power went out while we were having our conference... Anyways.

The rest of the week went pretty well. The rain makes people not to come to church. They always us that as an excuse as to why they didn't come. It's kind of ridiculous to think about that being an excuse at home but it's pretty legit here unfortunately. Sometimes they just won't go to work because they say the rain is too much. Can you imagine telling your boss that you didn't come to work because it was raining? Oh man I love it here.

The work is moving and we are trying to find and improve each and every day. I got to rest a lot today before we came to the cafe which was really good because I've been feeling really sleep deprived lately. 

That's about it for this week. June is about to end and that's pretty cool. A lot of people will be going home from this mission very soon! Almost all the missionaries here have been on their mission for over a year now so a bunch are going to start going home really soon it's going to be great :)

Hope everything is great at home I love you all :)

Elder Bush

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