This was by far the strangest week of my mission so far...
I've never felt the way that I did this week and I don't even know how much of
it I can share with you.
The beginning of this week was pretty normal. Nothing really
happened besides me deciding to exercise in the night instead of in the
morning... Yay... We had some normal teaching and lessons and missionary stuff
and whatnot. Then came Thursday...
From Thursday going onward the week just got so weird. We
had interviews on Thursday with Mission President and it was pretty sad because
this is the last one that we will have with him because he will be going back
home July 1st and we'll be receiving a new Mission President. He's
done a remarkable job and I've learned so much from him since I've been in
Liberia. I'm really going to miss him but I'm sure that I will also love the
new Mission President. The interview and everything went fine and the rest of
the day went well also. However, there were a few issues that were resolved
that caused some problems in the apartment. We have 6 missionaries in our
apartment right now. Well, let's just say that there was some behavior that was
not advisable so our Mission President decided that he would take care of it.
Basically it just caused some little contention in the apartment. I would love
to say more but the spirit constraineth me...We'll see if anyone goes home
anytime soon I don't know.
The rest of the week was a little affected by this and I
really just can't put into words how I feel and what has happened. I'm
astonished. I do know that the gospel is true and we did have some great
lessons on Sunday, but overall it was just a weird week. There's a Mormon
Message where this guy says to describe it was indescribable and it makes me
laugh every time I watch it but now I know how it feels.
There was a woman that told me that the economy in America
is really bad... I thought, hmm that may be very well true but one of my US
dollars is equal to 114 of yours so that's strange. Anyways, thought that was
I love the Book of Mormon and I have been reading it more
and more lately. I understand better each and every day that the Book of Mormon
is truly the evidence that this work and church is true. I know it's true and I
cannot deny it. I love the work that I'm doing and even though it's not always
easy, I know that it is definitely worth it. I love you all and I hope you are
able to pray each and every day for the Lord to direct you in your life and in
all that you do.
Lots of love,
Elder Bush
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