Monday, June 12, 2017

The Boss Man's Back

From: Steven Robert Bush <>
Sent: Monday, May 29, 2017 10:43 AM
To: Suzanne Bush; Suzanne Bush; Kevin Bush
Subject: The Boss Man's Back!
Oh hey my people! How you comin' on?

This week was pretty solid. We found a couple of new people to teach and were pretty busy throughout. I can't remember if I mentioned this before, but we live in a compound that has a lot of dogs and another house that an old guy lives in, but he has been in America for a long time. Well, this week the guy finally came back! The security guys that work in our compound were the most excited. They're really good at getting drunk and making a lot of noise at night and asking us for food and money because their bossman isn't around. Well, they were super pumped because their bossman finally came back! He conveniently came back the night that they got more drunk than I have ever seen them be before. We came outside to talk to them and they told us that they were so happy because they had been going without pay for a year and their children aren't in school because their bossman wasn't there (we repeatedly told them that they should get a new job to which they would respond yeah... See you tonight). They then drunkenly told us that we should go inside and make them small thing to eat. I said yeah and then went inside and locked all the doors. I don't know who can continually go to work for over a year without pay? It's astounding but they did it and now the bossman is back so I guess all is good in the world...

Anyways, missionary stuff is good. Teaching people about God and whatnot. I always forget what happens during the week honestly. We have a lot of people that I really enjoy teaching and are very receptive and accepting and humble, but they have their church. I'm beginning to feel like the majority of the people that we teach are going to have long term conversion which isn't bad, but sometimes it's a little more difficult when you don't see the results of your labor right away. I can't imagine what it would be like serving somewhere that missionary work is really slow. I think I would struggle a lot. 

Everything in the area and with my companion is pretty good though I can't complain. Today we had a really fun activity with our district where we went to a member's house and cooked fried rice. The fried rice that we mad is probably not the same as the one that you know about, but it was actually really good. I helped to prepare a lot of it actually :) I don't think we put enough peppers inside though... The food fed 11 people and each person got plenty of rice and a piece of chicken and a soft drink and the money split between 9 persons was less than $1.50 per person. Africa is pretty cheap...

Well, everything else was pretty good but I think that's about it for this week! Here are some pics.

Elder Bush

My small friend flexing!!
Some of my friends
Me and my comp
Coming from the activity
More small friends 

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