Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Looking for Families

Whole day we out here walking whole day!

We're always looking for people to teach and the Lord is always preparing them for us. Of course we are going to teach anyone who is willing to learn about the gospel, but the message that we have to share is especially centered around families because of the strength that the restored gospel can bring to the family. So recently we have been praying that we would be directed to a family that could truly benefit from our message about Jesus Christ. Our prayers were answered! We met with a man that is legally married and has 10 children! Chi! Not all of them are living with him though, some of them are a little bit older. Nevertheless, I have felt that the Lord has helped us as we have searched for more people to teach.

This week... All the weeks just seem to morph into one I swear. Sometimes things from last week seem like they happened this week and things from this week seem like they happened last week! The sister missionaries had a fireside that they invited us to and it was really nice. It helped give us a few ideas for a fireside that we want to hold in our own ward soon. They gave us food too so that also made it better :)

The rest of the week went along pretty normally and fine not too much to report on really. It is raining quite often now which cools down the weather quite a bit, but it also means that I have to carry an umbrella which always annoys me so much I don't know why hahaha.

We had a nice little activity today with our entire zone and another zone where we went to the church and we played pictionary on a white board and gestures I think. I forgot what it's called where you have to act out the thing without talking. It was really fun... There isn't much to do in Liberia so we do what we can with what we have. 

Well sorry this week was lame but next week will be more exciting! I'll send some pics! :)

1. Helping clean the chapel got weird... (feat. Elder Young MNoey!)

2. My companion getting his hair cut

3. President Sayon's birthday! (Feat. President Carlson on the beat)

4. My small child friend Gifty

5. No teeth for Ma B :)

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