Please. If you are serving your mission right now stop reading this email. It will only leave you feeling sad I promise you. ;)
Liberia I tell you...
This week was really great and also crazy hectic. I felt like we
had absolutely no time to relax or do anything. Whenever it's like that
though time seems to go by really fast which is great.
The reason I said that Full-Time missionaries should not read this
email is because on Saturday we had a baptism for only our
companionship. Elder Obasohan and myself baptized 9 people on Saturday
and then confirmed all 9 on Sunday. In all honestly it was supposed to
be 12 but then we had some small issues with a couple of the people and
decided that they weren't ready yet so hopefully we'll get to baptize those ones
later. But yeah, 9 people!! Isn't that awesome?! We have been working with
these people for so long and I was so happy that they finally made the decision to be baptized that I wanted to be the one to perform the ordinance. There was one small
boy who came to be baptized and then started crying and saying that his
dad would cuss him and his sister so he didn't want to be baptized in
that church.... We'll try and work with him and the father, but he
didn't end up being baptized. Other than that the baptism was a great
success and there were even a lot of members there to support and
welcome them to the church. What a beautiful 2 days!!

That was mostly what I remember from this week. There were some other things too but I always seem to forget you know.
We asked one small child this week who God was and he said, "the son of God... I don't know".
One woman that we are teaching this week said that Americans were
really lazy because they don't even wash their own dishes they just put
them in a machine. She even went as far as to say that they are lazy in
their education because they only do a few subjects or something like
that. I just laughed because Liberians are sometimes the laziest people that I've
ever met and their educational system is so poor it's not even funny.
Americans are a lot of things, but one thing they are not is lazy. Well,
most of them at least.
I still love Liberia though. I am so grateful to serve here. I truly love the people.
I love all of you and wish you a very Merry Christmas. My Christmas
on you! (Meaning you are supposed to get me a gift for Christmas... A
lot of people say that to us.)